
Creative Technology

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Here is a story that was created by one of our SK students using the app Doodlecast. When it was shared with a small group of her peers, they felt completely inspired to create their own stories and asked her to teach them how to do it. This app truly turned the iPad screen into a creativity space where storytelling became the power behind each drawing and led to a collaborative sharing space!

This type of peer learning truly showcased how they valued the time and effort she put into her story and with their eagerness to explore, they couldn't wait to create their own! Her thinking was truly made visible using technology and as educators, we continue to be blown away each day with the creativity of our students and grow more and more impressed with their capabilities!

About Doodlecast: (description from iTunes)
The Doodlecast For Kids App ($2.99) comes with more than 20 drawing prompts - simple questions designed to give kids a starting point. Kids can choose from one of the prompts or start a drawing from scratch. The app records the entire drawing process along with audio from the microphone to create videos up to three minutes long.

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