
Part 6: What Can You See? and New York City!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

On Sunday, the "What Can You See?" project has expanded yet again! This time, a Kindergarten teacher from Manhattan, New York City uploaded her class' digital book to the "We Can See" blog! If you hadn't had a chance to check it out, please click on the link below!

The pictures used in this post have been those used in the "What Can You See?" book from Ms. Callenbach's class.

This made us very excited since we knew that on Monday, we would not only have a new book to share with our class and add to our growing comparison chart, but this book would, without a doubt, lead to incredible discussion, many questions and paint an even bigger picture of our world for our students!

Once we finished reading Manhattan New School P.S.'s book, we had hands fly up and requests being made to read it twice! This excitement led to the following comments, connections, and wonderings:

There are lots of tall buildings. They are so tall you see not much street. - L.D.
There are lots of buildings in New York and not so many buildings like that in Woodbridge. - I.D.
They see a cabinet shop. What are cabinets? - Ms. Schmidt
It's something that handles go on and you can put stuff into it. - I.D.
Taxis have the letter T on them. - L.D.
They are all yellow! - R.F.
The school building looks like a church. - I.D.
They have so many shapes on the windows. - R.F.
Why do you think they have ladders on their buildings? - Ms. Schmidt
Maybe they live in apartments. When I lived in an apartment I had that too. - A.C.
Apartment buildings are only in cities. - L.D.

I went in a taxi in Mexico. - C.M.
When I went to the airport, I saw a parking garage too. - R.L.
There are parking garages in other places too like when you go to the airport. - L.D.
I saw a parking garage when I went to Egypt! - T.B.
When I went to the zoo somewhere else I saw a parking garage. - J.S.
In Toronto, there are lots of garbage trucks too. - E.S.
The fog...when I looked out the window of the CN Tower I saw fog like that too! - C.M.
We have washers and dryers at home. - A.C.
Maybe they don't have laundry rooms at their houses. - I.D.

What's a butcher? - J.S. (SK)
What's a boiler? - A.C.
Why is your fire hydrant black? Ours is yellow in Woodbridge. - our class
Where do you go for recess? We didn't see a playground or any trees.
Why are all the taxis yellow?
What is scaffolding?

This is such an exciting addition to the "What Can You See?" project! As Mr. Collins so nicely tweeted, "we can learn lots here rural/urban, city vs. big city, downtown/uptown." Our students connections, conversations and questions have truly embraced the big ideas of the curriculum behind the project:

1. Children are connected to others and contribute to their world
2. Children are effective communicators

We can't wait to see where this new chapter takes us! Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank you Ms. Callenbach (@monicak206) for being a part of the "What Can You See?" project and bringing us into your community of New York City! We look forward to learning more from you and hopefully meeting you and your class over Skype in the near future!

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