
Chapter Three of "We Can See" has begun!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

 Our "We Can See" Project continues with this exciting new chapter of learning! 

The slant this year is to harness the outdoors and to take our learning beyond the four walls of our classrooms! We encourage classes to go outside and look closely at their natural environment and take photos of their outdoor areas since they too are a canvas for learning. 

Do you have an outdoor classroom? 
Is there a forest nearby? 
Do you walk to a local pond? 
Can you see a lake from your yard? What can you see?

We invite you to meet with your class and share the ways you use the outdoors as a learning space! The opportunities are truly endless. We have a Google Drive Folder available for sharing and we will post some of our new books on this blog.

Let's make it simple. Create a five page book to share. Google Slides is an easy way to create a book. Create five slide, share and export as a PDF. You might create your book using SMARTNotebook and export as a PDF. You might choose to use an app such as "Book Creator." There are many ways to create short books or pages to share with others.

We have two learning goals for this project:
Learning Goal: Create and share a book to show your outdoor space.
Success Criteria:   A short five page book
                            Use simple language for primary learners to read and read
                            Show different parts of your outdoor space
                            Ensure privacy of learners, no faces in photos
                            Use a format for all audiences to view (.PDFs or YouTube videos)

Learning Goal: Share and connect with other classes
Success Criteria:   Read the blog regularly and make comments with your class
                            Connect on Twitter, Google Hangout, Skype or email
                            Ask questions and model how to interact as responsible digital citizens

Resources: PDFs can be imported into "Explain Everything" (app) then exported as a movie. Movies can be uploaded to YouTube and embedded in this blog. Or you can contact us and we can add you to the Google Drive Folder. If you wish to simply view other books, here is a direct link to the drive

If you need more information, post a comment and either of us will gladly get back to you as soon as we can. Be sure to also use and follow the hashtag #WCSOutdoors!

Let's get outdoors and connect our classes!

Thank you,

Jocelyn Schmidt     &     Angie Harrison
@MsSchmidt_YR             @Techieang

Here are two books to get us started:


  1. So excited to share this with my class this year. As I'm at a brand new school we have been exploring many areas for outdoor learning already.

    1. It'll be great! Happy you'll be participating.

  2. Is this project just for classes in York region? My class is with TDSB and I think they would like it!

    1. Hi Kelly,
      This project is for anyone interested! We actually have a class that just confirmed from California that they're interested in participating! Would love for you to join :)

  3. Hopefully you'll participate with your class Michelle! Would love to connect our classes :)

  4. We'd love to join... I have a K-1 class in Toronto. Will this be an ongoing thing throughout the school year?
    Thanks! Dawn

  5. We'd like to join too from Ottawa!

  6. Can't wait to publish our book! This is an awesome idea!
    My students love nature walks and very much enjoy sit spots in and out of the classroom!


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