
Our Peace Book

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Take a look at how Todd Parr's book entitled "The Peace Book" inspired our class to create their own!

Since we've taken this leap with technology in our program, we decided what better tool to use when creating our very own Peace Book than the iPads! Over the course of the week, some students were interested in contributing a picture, others were interested in sharing a comment and some were eager to do both! As a result, we ended up with student participation from a multifaceted level and those interested in the actual creation of the book worked in a small group using an app called Pictello. As the company's description outlines, Pictello is a simple tool for creating talking photo albums and talking books. Each page in a Pictello story can contain a picture, up to five lines of text, and a recorded sound or text-to-speech using high-quality voices. Pictello is developed for all ages and skill levels, so it is easy to use and requires no reading skills to locate and read stories! 

Our original book contains recorded voices of each student involved in the project as they state what peace means to them. However, the Pictello file on the iPad could not be transferred to create a movie file. Instead, my DECE and I took the screen shots of each page in the book and turned it into an iMovie for you all to see! We also look forward to sharing Our Peace Book with our school at our Remembrance Day Assembly. We even had one student create their very own Peace Book with sentences about what peace means to them at home and share it with the class! Below are pictures of this student's book with captions of his words.

Peace is sharing. Peace is keeping the water blue. Peace is taking turns. Peace is keeping friends and family. Peace is no fighting. Peace is loving each other. Peace is reading a new book. Peace is saying sorry to a friend. Peace is just having fun.

Peace is planting a tree. Peace is staying in a house to be warm. Peace is treating new things properly. Peace is fixing things. Peace is playing games properly. Peace is playing with friends!

We hope you feel inspired by our younger generation and embrace their knowledge about peace to help make the world a better place!


  1. Wow...great idea and thanks for the Pictello tip!

  2. Hi Louise,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting on this post! It is incredible watching our students take control of their learning with technology!
    I hope you can experiment and have fun with Pictello! It's a great app that can be utilized in so many ways.

  3. Hi,
    We watched your video and made some comments.
    "We loved your book."
    "we would like to compliment you on doing good pictures."
    "We liked all the things about peace."
    "Thanks for sharing your book with us."
    Mrs. Harrison's And Mrs. Coombes K class


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