Little did we know, that the winning name itself would shift their gears to begin inquiring about a completely new topic! "Rainbow 126" was the most popular name voted on and that has now opened the doors to our students wonderings about rainbows!
Here are a some of our colourful theories:
It looks kind of like a semi-circle because a semi-circle really looks like a rainbow because it’s half of a circle. - D.K. (SK)
A rainbow is like this (makes an arch motion). It’s good because then it’s like a slide and maybe you can sleep on it! - R.V. (JK)
To make a rainbow, you need water because the word “rain” is in rainbow!
- T.B. (SK)
I see that when rain comes you see a rainbow! It looked like there was red, orange, yellow, green, blue and pink! - J.Si. (SK)
I see that when rain comes you see a rainbow! It looked like there was red, orange, yellow, green, blue and pink! - J.Si. (SK)
Where do we see rainbows?
We see rainbows when there’s lots of rain and when the rain stops. We see it start on the ground and it reflects on the sky. “Reflects” means that the same things goes on that one thing. - D.K. (SK)
One time, I saw a water sprinkler and then the sun comes out and then I saw a rainbow you know? - Z.P. (SK)
In the sky where the sunlight is! Rainbows don’t live inside our house. Rainbows can shine on people you know? I was driving in my car and I saw it in the sky!
-R.V. (JK)
Sometimes where it’s a beautiful rainy day and when it stops raining a rainbow appears. It looks like a beautiful rising colours in the sky! - C.S. (JK)
In the sky! It has to be day time because the sun helps and you can’t see a rainbow in the dark. - R.K. (SK)
In the sky! It has to be day time because the sun helps and you can’t see a rainbow in the dark. - R.K. (SK)
When you touch a rainbow, it goes on your hand. It just feels like air so you can’t slide down because you’ll fall. It’s too high and there’s no oxygen there.
- E.Sz. (SK)
No it’s because rainbows disappear after a long time and they come back when the rain stops. - R.K. (SK)
No it’s because rainbows disappear after a long time and they come back when the rain stops. - R.K. (SK)
I think you can’t because rainbows are too big to get in a net and you can’t really hold a rainbow. When you touch a rainbow your hand goes right through it! It’s made of air too. - D.K. (SK)
I think it’s made out of sunlight. - S.R. (JK)
Rainbows are nothing but colours in the air. - T.L. (SK)

Some of our wonderings...
I wonder if rainbows fade and disappear? - M.P. (SK)
I wonder how the colours pop out?
- E.S. (SK)
I wonder where rainbows come from?
- J.H. (SK)
I wonder how a rainbow is born?
- C.S. (JK)
I wonder why rainbows have different colours? - J.Sa. (SK)
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